I've always desired to be the very best version of myself and there was no secret to it.. Once you start to harness the power of your subconscious mind, life will naturally flow in the best direction for you. - Tiffany Kushner

Become a Formula One Super Human.

Tiffany Kushner is a celebrated health optimisation coach and competitive bikini athlete with an expertise in biohacking. She uses her personal experience to transform her clients’ lives and motivate them to reach their full potential.

Welcome to my World

Where science meets innovation and the human body becomes a playground for self improvement


Optimising my body in unconventional ways to develop better physical and mental health.


Sculpting my body to become a competitive bikini athlete.

Off Grid Living

Living a nomadic lifestyle, detaching completely from possessions and material wealth.

The Shop

The positive experience of selling online encouraged Tiffany to expand her range into a diverse collection of healthcare products. 

Human Connections

On Social